8 tips for your hardwood floor care

High quality hardwood flooring materials when treated properly can last forever!

The most efficient treatment methods include preventive maintenance The key objective is to secure your hardwood flooring from moisture and scratches that could destroy your hardwood flooring.

Listed below are several tips and tricks to maintain your hardwood flooring with the help of hardwood flooring specialists:

  • Do you remember the good old “Welcome” rug? You’ve seen it everywhere and for good reasons! To place doormats at all entrances helps to prevent dirt and grit from being tracked on your floor. Obviously, make sure you keep door mats and rugs clean so that you do not actually get anything from the rug itself! 

  •  Do not over wax your hardwood floors. Instead of over waxing it; just buff a dull hardwood floor. Otherwise, you take the risk of having a sticky film that will start to grab dirt, dust, airborne particulate oils, food and more. Eventually the dirt is waxed into the surface and won’t wipe off.

  • Rugs have phased out of date in recent years but their usefulness goes way beyond creating a warm and cosy interior! Use rugs to avoid scratches on your hardwood floors. This is particularly smart to position them in high-traffic areas.

    The second best spot would be in front of the kitchen sink. This will prevent water and moisture from spreading all over the kitchen.

  • Do not walk across your hardwood floors in sport shoes, cleats, or even high heels. This type of impact produces friction that can leave a dent on the surface of your hardwood floors.

  • Do not use tile floor care products and sheet vinyl on hardwood flooring. There is a tendency that products like acrylic waxes may lead to a dull and slippery hardwood.

    Similarly, do not use Vinegar, ammonia, or other alkaline products because these products, even when diluted, are too harsh to clean your wood floors with. 

  • Refrain from using a wet-mop. Water and wood do not mix. Thus, there is a great chance that an improper amount of water can make the floor finish dull and has a tendency to damage the wood. For example, use too much water and it will start to swell up. Steam mops are a big “no-no” too.

  • “I’ll do it later!” Spills can be annoying when you are in the middle of a movie, but it can cause discoloration specially when there is high chemical content. So you have to wipe up any spills immediately.

  • Glides can really be lifesavers for your flooring. They will help you in preventing scratches on your hardwood floor. These are beneficial in avoiding scratches and scuffs. Put glides under the legs of all your furniture you are likely to move around often, such as chairs or sofas.

    With or without glides, you have to be extra careful by not sliding it when moving furniture and re-designing your interiors. Instead, pick your furniture up to prevent from touching it when moving.

Hardwood flooring will always be a big plus for your home in terms of enjoyment and added  value. However, it is true that they require more maintenance than vinyl for example.. If maintained properly, hardwood floors become classier over time. That’s the beauty of wood!