How to choose your firewood for winter

“Winter Is Coming”! Streaming nerds will instantly think of Games Of Thrones, but practical minds will know it means stacking up on firewood! 


What’s better than sitting near a warm fireplace with your choice of either book, wine, lover, or all of the above! 

But beforehand, it is necessary to refill the stock of firewood. 

Then the big question is “which wood should I buy?” We will take you through a quick selection of what you should store in your basement.

Not al
l woods burn the same way. Some burn hotter, slower, and cleaner than others. The first thing to know is the difference between softwood and hardwood. The first one is ideal to start a fire because its lighter density creates an ideal starting ground. Hardwood on the other hand will be harder to burn at first, but it will be your best friend for longer burns. 

Whatever the wood you choose, save your back with smart ways to carry the wood from storage to the fireplace. 

Let’s look at two of the most popular woods for each type:


  • Pinewood


Because pinewood requires about 6-12 months of seasoning, it tends to be available in larger quantities. As a result, prices are usually cheaper than most wood, and of course more affordable than hardwoods. 

Its resin is a highly flammable substance and causes pinewood to burn with a flash of high temperatures quickly. 

  • Cedar

Cedar is a decent firewood for your winter evenings because it splits easily (and we love that!), burns hot, and has a very unique, pleasant aroma that smells lovely.

Better use a glass door or protective screen however because It pops and sparks a little bit.



  • Hickory

This is one of the top-notch firewood to keep you and your loved ones warm during freezing nights. It is favored by the majority of people for its great burning properties.

Hickory is a very hard dense wood, making it a long-lasting burns, but also making it difficult to cut and split.

  • Ash


While its average heat value isn’t as fantastic as Hickory, Ash is a very popular choice for fireplace lovers. It burns efficiently, clean with no smoke and it throws few sparks so it is safe to use without a glass door (but always recommended). Because it is readily available, prices are not going to make you sad every time you burn a log.

There are many, many wood species you can enjoy as firewood, but not all of them will be available in your area. To protect our environment, we recommend choosing wood that is grown in your area to avoid unnecessary transportation. For more tips on how to choose your firewood the “sustainable way”, this article will give you great insight.


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